Post 5: My future Job

For my future job, I would like to have my own consultory and be independent in thath aspect. Maybe I'd like to work with a partner but I like to keep my own space, manage my own schedules and my own patients that come to me for the renown and trust that I'd like to make for myself. As I imagine, I'd have to save some money to buy a flat or small office to work in, but I think that the wait will be worth it. As I described previously, my job would be indoors. The main reason for this is that I like to decorate my spaces in my own style while making it comfortable for the patients that may come in search of my services. The closed yet welcoming spaces can help people to be more open about their problems as they feel safer, they feel more confident about their feelings and problems being carefully heard and taken into account. The major that I'm thinking of taking is probably a Ph.D or a Masters. Really all I think about is keeping myself well prepared and adding more dep...