Post 4: What's like to study psychology?

I study Psychology at the university of Chile in the Social Sciences Faculty. I chose this career because the truth is that I find it very interesting learning how cultural, social and biological factors can significantly influence human behavior.

Because of the pandemic, my online classes are held through the zoom platform, by which  we, the students, have to conect and we can turn on our cameras or just talk through the microphone. What's true is that not all  the students have a good conection that allows them to enter to all the classes,  therefore, they must watch the recordings that the professor uploads afterwards to the platform that is owned by the university. 

Honestly, I don't find this modality to be very comfortable, as being in front of a screen for long hours is very exhausting and produces both physical and psychological discomfort. Personally I've struggled a lot adapting to everything that online classes carry, because all of this has turned me into a more shy and insecure person, and for the same reason I haven't been able to be very participative during classes nor I've been able to make friends, but even so I work hard every day to perform well and be a good professional.


  1. The virtual context is complex so I hope you can perform the best you can and feel comfortable.


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