Post 3: Mental health problems related to a lockdown

One of the personal problems which has also affected a lot of people is the social anxiety that confinement has caused me, which makes it difficult for me to perform accordingly in this context of online classes. What I do to try to cope during this confinement is to spend time with my family and doing other things I like which are unrelated to the university. 

The pandemic has meant a very big change in our lives, in the sense that before all of this happened, we didn't  truly value our freedom until it got taken away from us. On the other side, we have become more higienic people, we didn't have such an appropiate habit of washing our hands every time we touch money, ate, etc. However with the pandemic we've performed this act with a lot more frequency, and that is something good.

One of the plans that I have for when this pandemic finishes, is being able to visit my grandparents which have been far away from me  during this pandemic, and I miss them very much. I would also like to asist to the university to finally live the college experience that I have been waiting for since entered this career, and I'd say long before. 


  1. I hope you can see your grandparents soon, good cheer<3

  2. I hope we can have the opportunity to live the face-to-face university experience soon :(<3

  3. I hope things get better Cata<3 I wanna meeting you when pass over this conflict at university , talk to me if you need something! xoxo

  4. I hope you can go to college soon so you can enjoy it!:)

  5. Good work. You have to use, to attend class not asist (To asist means to help someone)


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