Post 8: English Language Challenges

Today I want to tell you about my experience learning English at the university and the use of blogs. First of all, I can say that writing, speaking and listening to material in English is a big challenge for me, especially because during my high school and middle school education, I was only taught grammar rules. So learning English at university was and still is an abrupt change for me, where I have had to loosen up my writing, learn new words every day to be able to expand my vocabulary in an optimal way, and for that the blogs have been very helpful, since I can use the words I am learning. 

I think that one of my weak points to improve is my speaking and listening in English. It is very difficult for me to speak in English if I don't have a previous preparation, since I try to translate mentally what I want to say and that makes it very difficult for me to speak. In fact, I never speak in English because I get very nervous, and at the time of making the videos for this course I take at least 4 hours.... So I can honestly say that although English is a language that I am very interested in learning, it terrifies me. That is why from now on I changed my habit of watching movies in Spanish, to watch them in English with subtitles, and repeat the words that I recognize when I hear them and imitate the pronunciation, that is something that will help me a lot to keep learning and improve my English. I also spend a good amount of my time on social networks watching videos of people who teach you how to speak or give you very useful English tips. 

Without a doubt, English is a language that everyone should learn to speak because it opens many doors professionally speaking, and also because it is an enriching experience that allows you to make friends if you travel to a foreign country.


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